Norma Palmero

Norma Palmero

PhD Student

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

I worked with Roberto in the year 2022-2023 as a visiting scholar. My work involved building an experimental setup for holographic optical tweezers. Utilizing this setup, I did experiments with the goal of measuring Casimir-like forces in systems that are not in thermodynamic equilibrium. Our preliminary results showed what seemed to be the first experimental evidence of such forces in non-equilibrium systems.

Additionally, I have investigated the formation of aggregates in systems with competitive interactions, such as those found in certain proteins, by developing Brownian dynamics simulations.

Currently, I am a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Volpe, and my research focuses on studying biological systems using optical tweezers and light sheet techniques.

  • Optical tweezers
  • Light Sheet Microscopy
  • Brownian Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation
  • Machine learning
  • Casimir Forces
  • MSc in Chemical Engineering, 2018

    University of Havana (Cuba)

  • BSc in Physics, 2015

    University ''Marta Abreu'' of Las Villas (Cuba)