Linking Microscopic Processes to the Macroscopic Rheological Properties in Inert and Living Soft Materials

Image credit: Roberto Cerbino


An opportunity to bring together leading researchers, early-career researchers and students working in the communities of intert soft materials and living soft materials. We propose a 6-week ESI Thematic Program organized around the following keywords: Failure, Yielding, Fracture, Percolation, Jamming, Rigidity, Flocking, Topology, Defects, Memory, Confinement.
A cornerstone of the program is the adoption of a combined theoretical, numerical and experimental perspective that will provide an invaluable overview of the current research and promote the integration of different perspectives. In addition, the proposed program intends to facilitate the exchange of information and results among different communities interested in understanding the rheological behavior of inert and living soft materials, in particular across different length and time scales.
In addition, the program should prompt and facilitate interactions, and ideally identify new fundamental and applied problems, as well as strategic initiatives and directions of research.

Sep 9, 2024 — Sep 18, 2024
ESI Boltzmann Lecture Hall
Boltzmanngasse 9A, Vienna, AT 1090
Roberto Cerbino
Roberto Cerbino
Professor of Experimental Soft Matter Physics

My research interests include Soft matter physics, living matter, cell biophysics and quantitative microscopy.